Getting the best out of a toy microscope.
... that will probably look more clear to a 10 or 12 year old. Even diatom structure can be resolved with most of the little instruments at
low power. ...
A photographic essay showing a range of troughs and their potential interest to the naturalist.
... typical microscopic fauna and flora (darkfield illumination). These include filamentous algae, diatoms, protozoa, nematodes, rotifers;
small snails were also found. Trough ...
... Micrasterias denticulata in division. Nomarski DIC. Micrasterias rotata. Dark-ground illumination. Fossil diatoms from Oamaru.
Rheinberg illumination. Triceratium favus. Anoptral contrast. Volvox globata ...
Assessment of its performance using a Canon G6 digicam. Canon's G3-G5 models can also be used.
... preferred setting. A few sample pictures using different contrast and lighting techniques. Dictyoneis diatom, E.C.P. Bone. Zeiss
CP-Achromat 40x NA 0.65 Ph2 objective, camera ...
Life in the torrent
... aquatic beetles, and one-celled creatures without end. The plant world was represented by diatoms, desmids, and short strands of
filamentous algae. Not one of these ...
Multimedia microscopy
... text depth, but appears poor for illustrations where Worldbook, Encarta are better. Diatoms No image. Good text entry. Links to related
articles, eg. ...
Did Gage Make These Antique Microscope Slides?
... were prepared by Professor Gage. Email comments to Barry Miller are welcomed. "Diatoms in situ showing beginnings of subdivision"
"Nuphar advena Petiole" "Tous ...
Inserts a blank document layout with no defined style.
... the contrast of the image. Unknown mounter. Reflected light image of Isthmia nervosa diatoms, 40x. An excellent but damaged slide
mounted by Richard Suter, careful ...
Illustrated article showing the fascinating microorganisms that can be found in a public park pond.
... left image pair Arcella; above right Centropyxis; image left Euglypha acanthophora. Some diatoms like Gomphonema and Pinnularia were
also found (but you know these species well ...
... , who had printed the slides from the original negatives. The objects illustrated comprised diatoms and desmids, foraminifera,
polycistina, star fishes, sections of Echinus spines ...
... This one is a test slide of Navicula hippocampus. An arranged slide of the diatom Arachnoidiscus ehrenbergii. The address of ? 6,
Coleman St. ? noted ...
... out. This issue atypically has a third major article "Reproduction and Multiplication of Diatoms" which is 6 pages in length and
written by the Abb Count F ...
Freshwater life - a montage of macro and microscopic organisms using dark-field illumination.
... montage includes a hydra, ostracod and algae (e.g. filamentous, desmids, diatoms). How many can you identify? The author has offered a
larger ...
Quick trials with a Nikon Coolpix 700 digital camera for photomicrography, compared with video still capture using a 'C' mount video camera
... pre-focused for normal viewing). The autofocus struggled with lower contrast images e.g. diatoms in bright-field, where the camera's
manual focus set at 10cm worked better with ...
Radiolaria - animation projects
... slide you will not be able to change the orientation of the objects like the diatom (radiolarian) laying artists who are able to
arrange their shells in arbitrary ...
... in 3D. The following images were made from mounted slides I made of fossil diatoms from Barbados, and radiolarians from the same
location. The objective used was ...
417. The Condenser
Notes on the types of brightfield condenser for the microscope.
... for even lower power objectives such as the x20 and x10 varies between makers. Diatoms were taken using a Vickers achromatic oil
immersion 1.25 NA condenser... ...
418. Untitled Document
... Marine phytoplankton mainly consists of diatoms, single-celled algae. Part of the Collection of the Algae Exhibit of the Micropolitan
Museum© Wim van Egmond ...
419. Rotifers
... for a gallery of rotifer images small page Bacteria Flagellated Protozoa Desmids Green algae Crustaceans Diatoms Sun animalcules and
Amoebas Ciliates Worms Insect larva Read the following MICSCAPE articles to ...
Notes on the microscope binocular head.
... bodies. Eyepieces To check these, look at a slide of strewn radiolarians or diatoms etc., with a x10 objective after adjusting the IDA.
Observe the ...
421. image gallery
... Choose an exhibition Other Invertebrates Diatom Display Radiolaria Lounge Foram Factory Hall of Arthropods Algae Exhibit Egg Chamber
Centre of Larval Development ...
... never once had an image that was not perfectly sharp. (Tests done with diatom dots confirmed this.) When using high magnifications,
this technique allows the ...
423. Untitled Document
... A large species with an ornamented cell wall. Part of the Collection of the Diatom Depot of the Micropolitan Museum© Wim van Egmond
A personal look at a 1950's photomicroscope.
... , especially when concentrating on very fine detail such as provided by the structure of diatoms during photo sessions. Rather than
castigate out of hand such a complex and ...
an east German school microscope
... taken through the objective of the ROW Kleinmikroskop B at full magnification. The large diatom on the left measures 200 m. Figure 6
This photomicrograph can be compared ...
30g of microscope please! A look at some small 19th century microscopes
... fig. 3. to give you a rough idea. The diameter of the diatom circle is 0.75 mm. This photograph can be directly compared to the
microphotograph ...
427. Untitled Document
... This species has distinctive openings between the cells. Part of the Collection of the Diatom Display of the Micropolitan Museum© Wim
van Egmond ...
428. A view into a Wild M20 binocular head: a discussion about its design and
some delamination effects
... below illustrates the different tests undertaken. The sample is from Klaus Kemp's excellent 8-form diatoms test slide. The images have
been resized, and contrast slightly modified to ...
429. The Ultimate Upgrade
A hobbyist's experiences of owning a Zeiss ICM 405 microscope
... many easier (and cheaper) ways to get equally satisfying results. Portion of diatom circle – stack of 20 images combined in
HeliconFocus Most things I want to ...
430. Untitled Document
... longer chains, but they are easily separated. Part of the Collection of the Diatom Display of the Micropolitan Museum© Wim van Egmond
431. image gallery
... Choose an exhibition Water flea Circus Desmid Dome Diatom Depot Rotifer Room Bacteria Basement Ciliate Centre Protist Parade Hall of
Arthropods Other Invertebrates Algae Archive ...
... in DF and therefore not at its best. The specimen here is an Eutonia Diatom, a nice test for x40 achromat with Heine set at about 80%
... The list of specimens suitable for observation with COL is slowly growing...diatoms, butterfly scales, protozoans, bacteria and blood
films...enough ...
... you are a family of three, then you will certainly wish to consider our Diatom Dining Table with its rich wood grain finish and
space-saving design. We also ...
435. A Debt to Ponds
... coiling and uncoiling like watch springs; long-necked protozoans swaying like graceful swans; some diatoms stacked like railroad ties,
others flowing like streamlined boats; ciliated cells tumbling ...
436. Life In Thin Air
An essay on atmospheric biology.
... been aloft a long time. There were even smaller encysted one-celled aquatic plants, diatoms, that had been whirled aloft after their
ponds had dried up. With ...
... book includes photomicrographs taken at a wide range of magnifications, including the detail of diatoms at 1750X and 'macro' shots of
beautifully laid out whole insects at 8X ...
... . Stigma of Lilium. Click image to view a larger version. 5. Diatoms. Click image to view a larger version. 6. Pollen. Click
... was used in the second photo (right). The amplification of this Eutonia diatom is deliberately excessive which was chosen with dotting
just beyond the objective's ability to ...
440. ABClarke2.indd
... a 5X objective and dark?eld illumination. Figure 4, Center – Photomicrograph of a diatom taken with a 40X objective and dark?eld
illumination. Figure 5, Right – ...
441. Foram Gallery
... give their algae more light and without the microscope look more like a colony of Diatoms! 6X objective << FIRST FORAM Comments
to the authors Wim van Egmond ...
... you have a collection of very delicate and precious slides such as Victorian slides of diatoms/butterfly scales etc. and you are
concerned about the cumulative effects, ...
443. Coscinodiscus
... net but that there are two layers with different texture. The finest details of diatoms are on the edge of what is visible with the
light microscope. Scanning ...
444. Ciliates
... of ciliates in the Micropolitan Museum small page Bacteria Flagellated Protozoa Desmids Green algae Crustaceans Diatoms Sun animalcules
and Amoebas Rotifers Worms Insect larva Read the following MICSCAPE articles to ...
Radiolaria - animation projects
... slide you will not be able to change the orientation of the objects like the diatom (radiolarian) laying artists who are able to
arrange their shells in arbitrary ...
446. Untitled Document
... chains. Note the long outward-projecting mucous threads. Part of the Collection of the Diatom Display of the Micropolitan Museum© Wim
van Egmond ...
... and, of course, suctorians. There are many species of suctorians (and diatoms and algae, gammarids, and mollusks) that have been found
nowhere else ...
Images captured with a Nikon Coolpix 990.
... DMC 1e camera which is a dedicated design with a 'c' mount. The diatom Triceratium pentacrinus using phase contrast illumination. This
image was also captured with a ...
... the upper half of the smaller Spirosigmolina foraminiferan is part of a frustule of the diatom Triceratium favus! Single example only
found. a) Lagena perlucida Montagu; ...
... ' mount colour security style camera, with Snappy video still capture box. The diatom Navicula lyra mounted in Hyrax. The visual image
gives crisp resolution of detail ...
451. Untitled Document
... the glass shell or 'frustule' perform photosynthesis. Part of the Collection of the Diatom Depot of the Micropolitan Museum© Wim van
Egmond ...
... spicules. Can anyone help identifying them? The bottom radiolaria look a bit like diatoms but they have two holes. If you look closer
you'll see all kinds ...
Gromia, protozoa
... In the process of retraction, minute particles, small flagellates, small ciliates, diatoms, and even bits of algal filaments were
dragged toward the oral aperture and ...
454. Sponge Spicules
sponge spicules
... spicula are secreted. Just as microscopical slidemakers showed their skill and patience with arranging diatoms, likewise sponge
spicules were a favourite object for arranging into patterns. This ...
... is a voracious predator and not just on algae. I have observed specimens containing diatoms, bits of filamentous algae, and 2 or 3
Philodina rotifers. Here ...
... Westerschelde, The Netherlands Geometry and Pattern in Nature 1: Exploring the shapes of diatom frustules with Johan Gielis
Superformula Microscopy UK Front Page Micscape Magazine Article Library© ...
... max 0.75na aperture and therefore very near the transition to darkfield mode. Dry mounted diatom rendered together with crystals from
the drying process all revealed in typical relief. ...
Swift UK badged LOMO microscope
... the microscope is approximately 37cm. All of the objectives worked very well on my diatom and cytological slides. I had quite forgotten
how good these objectives are especially ...
... Figure 6. Figure 7. Example of high NA darkfield imaging of a live diatom with aplanatic condenser. This image was obtained using the
Lomo 30X water immersion ...
Rheinberg illumination
... show up very well. These are intended to be viewed under brightfield illumination. Diatoms, foraminifera, radiolaria and similar
subjects lend themselves well to both darkfield and ...
461. Illuminant Variants
Illumination variants, diffuse lighting at low to medium powers with a compound microscope
... renderings of subjects such as largish mounted insects (parts), and even strewn diatoms are rendered more faithfully at low to medium
powers with sensitive control of the ...
... See Fig.6). Fig.6 Section 3: Image Gallery Fig.7: A fresh water diatom, this cropped photo was taken with the 40X achromatic objective
and WF10 eyepiece ...
A homemade microscope adaptor for the Olympus C-960 digicam.
... ) A selection of images of freshwater life taken with the above set-up. Epiphytic diatoms on filamentous algae. Stentor on filamentous
algae. Stentor on filamentous algae. ...
... rule that one in or out. So far I know it is not a diatom, foraminifera, thecamoebian, radiolarian, dinoflagellate, prasinophyte,
phytolith or indeed ...
Bryozoans and Cnidarians species
... below). Right hand picture: eosin stained and mounted specimen. Note the diatoms fixed on it (arrowed). Some zooids are specialized to
catch food ...
Microscopy and pond life - for amateurs.
... . K: Gomphonema growing on the branched filamentous alga Cladophora. Gomphonema is a diatom, another fascinating group of algae which
have silica cell walls, the two ...
467. Micscape Book Review
Five Kingdoms - An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth
... shows a typical layout of the facing page for each phylum (in this case Diatoms). An environment scene heads the page with arrows
showing the typical habitats ...
468. Untitled Document
... A young mollusc feeding. Gastropods use so-called radulas to graze and scrape diatoms and other microscopic algae off surfaces, in this
case the coverslip of the microscopic ...
Experiments with a webcam for photomicrography
... changed to jpeg in PaintShop Pro. Image top left: the detail of a diatom, 40x objective. Image top right: bdelloid rotifer, 20x
objective. ...
Topical tips - amateur microscopy
... condenser: Darkfield is a fascinating way to observe objects such as pond life, diatoms, crystals, insect parts, etc. For microscopes
without an Abbe condenser ...
471. Upgrading a Wild M40
... the quality is quite good. I tested all objectives using a prepared slide of diatoms. The resolving power was more than acceptable at
all magnifications. The first ...
... 20X eye piece to reduce aliasing which I sometimes see when taking digital images of diatoms. I used a Turtox slide labeled:
Pleurosigma Angulatum. For some reason ...
... through net C) Plastic tube looks clear E) Concentrated organisms falling into tube Diatoms and Desmids can be gathered by scraping the
edge of the net up some ...
... , names become a problem because of the "Synonym syndrome". Just as diatoms collect a little list of alternative generic and even
specific names, so the ...
... . Click HERE if you want to see a video clip showing Brachionus eating a diatom! (2 Mbytes avi file.) Rotifers have the ability to slow
A sophisticated way for creating 'Rheinberg illumination'
... I mechanical stage. Right. Mikropolychromar fitted on condenser holder A few trials Coloured diatom and background Coloured plant
section and background Coloured plant section and background Coloured leaf ...
... base, is a sort of gizzard with the ability to break siliceous frustules of diatoms! Below is a picture of a retracted zooid (Rheinberg
lighting): ...
Video and stills gallery. Rotifer Collotheca extending and showing mouthpart details.
... as these often have many examples of various freshwater groups like protozoa, rotifers, diatoms. My tiny garden pond regularly contains
green hydra for example, which aren't ...
... a compound microscope is essential. If you are primarily or exclusively interested in observing diatoms or desmids or protozoa or
bacteria, then a high quality compound microscope is ...
A fun horoscope based on microscopic organisms.
... you continue to try to juggle too many concerns. Capricorn will now become: DIATOM: (December 22-January 19). Vanity, vanity, all is
vanity ...
481. Cheap centrifuge
A micro-centrifuge, cheap and easy
... noticeable "new" organisms I found. Free-swimmers and smaller algae predominated. The diatoms were more numerous and more mobile. There
were more gastrotrichs, different ( ...
A selection of colour plates from 'A History of Infusoria' by Andrew Pritchard 1845.
... of Euglena or relatives. Plate 3 appears to consist mostly of various species of diatoms (Plate 2 had amoebas and desmids), which were
at this time ...
483. Untitled Document
... a chain is formed with wide helical windings. Part of the Collection of the Diatom Display of the Micropolitan Museum© Wim van Egmond
... friend the different results from different contrast techniques. Here are three images of the diatom Etogonia using Nomarski DIC. The
variation in colors between the 3 images is ...
... own using other organisms from their environment – a desmid Closterium for the board and diatoms for the wheels. I can hear them
saying, "Oh, wow ...
486. Untitled Document
... Pinnularia sp. Side and front view. Part of the Collection of the Diatom Depot of the Micropolitan Museum© Wim van Egmond
Experiences of using a Swift FM-31 field microscope while hiking in the US.
... be sparse brown grass over cracked dry mud flats. My first sample picked up diatoms, water mold spores, a Volvox-like critter that is
probably Gomphospheria, and ...
... Nice cone of light. Brunel illuminator and flat mirror, no diffusers. Marine diatoms taken with the above setting. 10X objective, 15X
eyepiece. Held the ...
489. Deserts
... , ciliates and rotifers, while runoff from the Organ Mountains can contain desmids or diatoms in profusion. Any temporary rain
catchment is soon colonized by algae of one ...
... .- The two images on the right side show a darkfield image of a diatom exhibition slide and a brightfield image of a Purkinje cell
(cerebellum), ...
... technical skill, aesthetic satisfaction (see the incredible artistic images of old and new diatoms preparations) and also of scientific
record, may also be a target for ...
492. Magnitude. The Malady of Modern Times? A sideways perspective of the
subliminal forces of evolution.
... So it comes as no surprise that microscopic subject matter such as animal cells, diatoms, and bacteria, are so tiny in mass that the
arithmetical figures become ...
... little to focus on the BPAE slide, optimise the darkfield first with eg a diatom strew, then leave condenser focus and darkfield
centering alone and replace with the ...
... and exposure, but before the shutter actually opens of course. Air cell mounted diatom Imaged by an aging Minolta F300 5 megapixel
digicam with the help of a ...
... /1.30 objective. Figs 5, 6 Dark field micrographs of a preparation of diatoms with the x4 and x40 objectives, respectively. Microscopy
UK Front Page Micscape ...
... Then a low speed centrifuge, to pull down all the larger cells – Possibly diatoms(?) at 8000x. Stained with uranium acetate. A
Bacterial Cell ...
497. Topical Tip: A simple flash / tungsten lighting setup for a microscope
with built in base lamp.
... described in an earlier article, but a beam splitter design has advantages. The diatom Stauroneis phoenocenteron in Hyrax, Klaus Kemp
'Test plate 8 forms'. Zeiss ...
... of refinement. At the end of the 19 th Century, remarkable photomicrographs of diatoms and other challenging objects were published.
This micrograph was printed in the 1891 ...
... like to make about the photographs. In some cases, (e.g. the Diatoms and the Ciliates), too many images were made with differential
interference contrast ...
... of field, 1.6x mag on LOMO trino' head camera coupled to head. Diatom strew by Klaus Kemp. 1/60th sec shutter with mirror delay shows